Some of the most common injuries which result from an automobile accident occur to the back and spine. These injuries may be minor, or may even result in permanent disability or paralysis. Automobile accidents are the leading cause of injuries to the spine, responsible for more than forty percent of spinal injuries each year.
If you have been involved in an accident and suffered injuries, experienced Washington personal injury attorney Quinn Posner at the Posner Law Office, P.C. can fight to get you the compensation you deserve.
Back injuries, and often neck injuries, are a common result of the sudden and violent impacts which occur in motor vehicle accidents. This includes rear end collisions where the upper back and neck are jolted without warning. While the spine is a sturdy structure for normal daily living, it can be exceedingly delicate in the context of high impact collisions.
Some common back injuries and their symptoms include:
If you have suffered back injuries as the result of a motor vehicle accident, and the accident is another person's fault, you may be entitled to financial compensation for the injuries you have suffered. A personal injury lawsuit may be filed against a person who caused the accident. Personal injury lawsuits can recover damages including:
Experienced accident attorney Quinn Posner represents clients in Camas, Washougal, and Clark County Washington in personal injury lawsuits. He has been successful in representing clients who won hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for their injuries arising from car accidents, truck accidents, and slip and fall injuries.
If you have been injured in an automobile accident, you may be entitled to damages in the form of financial compensation. Highly experienced personal injury attorney Quinn Posner of Posner Law Office, P.C. will fight for your rights in your lawsuit. I represent clients in Camas, Washougal, Vancouver, and the rest of Clark County. Contact Quinn Posner today for a free consultation of your case.